New Expediting Truck Insurance Launching!

Expediters Finally have another CHOICE for Commercial Insurance

Last Modified: July 3, 2024

Exciting News:  Brand New Expediting Truck Insurance is Launching!

Shhh!….It’s technically still a secret…but another Expediting Insurance choice is in the works!
CIS is gearing up now to revolutionize Expediting Truck Insurance with a new Insurance Provider backed by a Powerhouse you all know.
Our new Commercial Truck Insurance partner provides customized packages for everyone – from rookie Owner Operators to small Motor Carriers with their own DOT number…from Last Mile Delivery to Long Haul.
Several pilot states have already kicked off, with remaining states to follow in the coming months.

All types of Expediting units are included:


Cargo Vans, Sprinters, HotShots, Straights & Big Rigs are included in the new Expediting Insurance program

…with all the Insurance Coverage your Expediting contracts require:

Certificate of Liability required by Expediting Contracts

Our new partner has designed an Expediting Insurance package with a focus on “Less Stress, More Yes”.
It’s still early in, but so far the majority of Owner Operators and Motor Carriers reaching out to us have been very happy with their premiums.
In fact, a number of quotes are more reminiscent of the Golden Days of Expediting we all remember.
It’s not surprising, since the Underwriters who developed this program have a long Expediting Insurance Memory:)
Bottom line, now you have a real choice between two major insurance providers for your Expediting Insurance.
Make one phone call here at CIS and shop for both at the same time today.

Choices Ahead

We look forward to revealing more to you beyond what we can write here
and are eager to share all the details with everyone in our Expediting Community!
Stay tuned for upcoming details or feel free to give us a call now so we can chat.

15 minutes really could save you BIG $$$ on your Expediting Truck Insurance!


  • 2002 Founder and CEO of Commercial Insurance Solutions, Inc., Shelly Benisch specializes in providing Commercial Truck Insurance for owner operators and small motor carriers. Both CIS and TRS certified, She also writes a free educational trucking insurance advice blog dedicated to the little guy.

  • Executive Director of Commercial Insurance Solutions, Inc., Christina Cummings leads her team in providing the best Truck Insurance with the best rates for Owner Operators and small Motor Carriers. Christina is TRS certified as a Transportation Risk Specialist. She is your "go to" person at CIS with questions, tips and networking opportunities in our trucking and expediting community.

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