Cargo Van & Sprinter Insurance

Looking for Cargo Van Insurance?

We can help you find the best commercial insurance rates for vans.

cargo van and sprinter commercial insurance
Cargo Vans and Sprinters are used to haul all kinds of freight for Expedite Trucking and Last Mile Delivery.

What kind of insurance do I need for Expediting or Last Mile Delivery with my Cargo Van or Sprinter

Expediters have established an industry standard for insurance limits and operate on an Unlimited Radius. Brokers usually require Expedite Independent Contractors to carry these limits of insurance coverage to bid on load boards: 

Primary Commercial Auto Liability$1,000,000 CSL

Last Mile Delivery Independent Contractors operate closer to home.  Their insurance requirements differ depending on their contracts.

For example, their Primary Commercial Auto Liability limit requirement may be $300,000 instead of $1,000,000.  Frequently their Cargo limits are lower as well.

However, the additional insurance coverage General Liability is often required to bid on Last Mile Delivery Loadboards.

Learn more about the difference between Primary Commercial Auto Liability and General Liability.

Commercial Van Insurance FAQ

 GEICO commercial trucking insurance is usually the best. They have a new program that is specifically for owner operators and expediters.


Cargo van insurance costs vary  WIDELY from state to state.

Other factors that affect insurance cost include:

  • driving record
  • value of your unit
  • radius of operation
  • type of cargo
  • and yes, credit


Read our list of 10 tips to reduce your commercial truck insurance rates.

Or give us a call at (330) 864-1511 to run a preliminary quote to give you a ballpark number.

It only takes 5 minutes and will be your most accurate guess before you take a leap.

$300,000 liability is the minimum requirement as designated by FMCSA to haul freight across state lines as an Expediter.  Read more here for What is the Definition of a Commercial Vehicle.   Your state DMV has their own requirements for commercial vehicles.

This is dependent upon the broker’s requirements.  Most Expedite brokers require a minimum of $1 Million in liability coverage regardless of unit type. Read more here

Last Mile Delivery brokers may require less Commercial Auto Liability and Cargo but more General Liability coverage.

Yes!  And we suggest that you do.  We can provide a same-day quote basing the information on your preferred unit type.  

Yes, we can typically start a policy with as little as 9% down.

No, we can write all coverage types regardless of your DOT status.  We can help guide you through each of your options, helping you decide which business structure is the best fit. Read more here on What is the Definition of a Commercial Vehicle then give us a call so we can help.

When Independent Contractors Lease On to a bigger Motor Carrier their insurance is different.
Because the Independent Contractor is operating under the Motor Carrier’s DOT Authority, the Motor Carrier provides the Primary Commercial Auto Liability.  Per contract, the Owner Operator is still responsible for providing Non-Trucking Liability which means he’s insuring himself while not operating on behalf of the Motor Carrier.

Primary Commercial Auto Liability costs much more because it insures 24/7.

Non-Trucking Liability costs much less because it’s only part time coverage.

Non-Trucking Liability can be tricky.  If you plan to lease on to a Motor Carrier learn more here about NTL:

Start here to learn more about our industry then give us a call…we’d love to help you get on the road!

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The ladies at CIS love to chat, have many contacts and can give you a lot of free advice on which direction to go. 

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