Occupational Accident Insurance

Are you covered when it comes to work-related injuries? Let us help protect you from the unexpected.

Owner Operators hauling freight for hire often purchase supplemental insurance called Occupational Accident coverage for on the job accidents.

Coverage limits for Occupational Accident can vary from $500,000 to $2,000,000 per accident for medical, death and disability claims while performing their job duties.

Occupational Accident policies can include coverage for:

Many plans include some coverage for Non-Occupational injuries as well.


It’s important to remember that Occupational Accident is supplemental insurance like a vision or dental plan.

Your health insurance is considered Primary coverage that pays first on a claim that includes hospital or medical care.

No-Fault States that require Personal Injury Protection Insurance (PIP) also acts as Primary coverage.

Think About It...

Why do you need it?

In the same example we used for your Liability Coverage, Physical Damage and Motor Truck Cargo , Downtime with Rental, here's where Occupational Accident also protects you.

You're in the right hand lane driving on heavy traffic when a speeding car weaves in front of you and out again to pass the slow car in the left lane.

The driver of the slow car panics and pulls into your lane, causing your front left bumper to spin him out of control back into his lane with other oncoming traffic.

Another car slams their brakes to avoid the spinout.

You pull sharply to the right but overturn, sliding several yards and splitting the side of your truck open spilling boxes of freight everywhere.

Unfortunately, the shock of your truck slamming into the ground leaves you unconscious. When you awaken, you are in a hospital bed.

It’s clear that you will be disabled for some time.

The Highway Patrol held everyone in the multi-vehicle accident at fault, so there is no immediate party to sue.

Occupational Accident insurance is designed to provide medical and income to you for Temporary or Continuous Total Disability up to the policy limits you purchase.


Yes, this is a common request. You are contracting to lease on your truck to haul freight for the benefit of a Motor Carrier. You will then be operating under their DOT authority but as an Independent Contractor, not an employee.

The Motor Carrier is protecting their “Lessee” side of the contract while asking you to protect the “Lessor” side of the contract.

Because you don’t have Worker’s Comp, your Occupational Accident would pay some of your expenses as a supplement to your own Health Insurance.

The Contingent Liability plan he carries protects him if a leased on Independent Contractor like yourself has a work related injury and is later deemed an employee by the courts where a Worker’s Comp claim could come into play when no coverage exists.

Workers Comp is a state regulated plan that includes much more expansive coverage including lost wages, full medical bills, legal expenses and ongoing injury that can last a lifetime with few limits. 

Sounds great but is very expensive.

Occupational Accident insurance is more limited than Worker’s Comp, does not offer legal expenses and coverage is limited to policy limits you purchase.

Occupational Accident is affordable insurance coverage for the average Owner Operator.

Occupational Accident for Owner Operators of larger trucks costs $129 – $152 per month per driver.  Cargo Van & Sprinter Insurance Occ Acc plans hover around $122 per month.

As always, CIS has been so helpful with my commercial truck insurance needs. In my 20+ years professional driving experience they have proven time and again to be head and shoulders above the rest. Five Stars!