We help you get and keep your lowest physical damage premium with an accurate stated amount on your truck.
Truckers need Physical Damage Insurance to cover their own vehicle.
If you are at fault in hitting another vehicle, object or rollover, your Collision Coverage pays for the damage to your own truck.
Physical Damage also includes comprehensive coverage, which covers anything else that could happen to your truck including:
- Fire
- Theft
- Vandalism
- Animal hit
- Windshields
- and more…

Think About It...
In the same example we used for your Liability Coverage and Motor Truck Cargo Coverage, here’s how Physical Damage protects you.
You're in the right hand lane driving on heavy traffic when a speeding car weaves in front of you and out again to pass the slow car in the left lane.
The driver of the slow car panics and pulls into your lane, causing your front left bumper to spin him out of control back into his lane with other oncoming traffic.
Because this accident example was deemed everyone’s fault, Physical Damage pays for the damage to your truck. In this case, it falls under Collision.
Physical Damage coverage also pays for the debris removal and pollution cleanup.
Yes, but it’s not to your advantage. Insurance companies will only pay UP to the current Actual Cash Value of your truck. So don’t pay for insurance you can never collect. We can help you establish an accurate Stated Amount for your Truck, and help you adjust that value at each renewal. You should never overpay for coverage.
Some insurance companies offer Financed Value Coverage, which will pay off the value of your loan up to your Stated Amount. This situation is not uncommon for Expediters with modified Straight Truck insurance. We can help you structure this request.
Learn more about Physical Damage Insurance Coverage
In 2021 the worst tornado hit my small town here in Mayfield, Kentucky. I can tell you Commercial Insurance Solutions was there for me 1000%! I Truly appreciate all of you for being there for me for all my Comprehensive Claims.
Elaine Collins, Operations, MCN Moving Cargo Now, LLC
Mayfield, KY